Let us talk about the Orangutan Conservation Program here. Almost 1 million rainforest hectares fall victim to illegal or legal overexploitation every year. As a result, many orangutans are now losing the habitat. The SOCP (Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program) fights
Head of Orangutan Conservation Program Honored by Queen Elizabeth II
Head of Orangutan Conservation Program Honored by Queen Elizabeth II Ian Singleton now “OBE” Dr. Ian Singleton was honored by Queen Elizabeth II and received the Order of the British Empire. Ian Singleton has been the director of the Sumatra
Orangutans in Culture
Orangutans are nothing new when it comes to the culture around us. They are found in many zoos, books, movies, and more.
Orangutans and Coronavirus
Orangutans and Coronavirus Coronavirus or Covid-19 disease A novel coronavirus recently emerged from “Wuhan” which is a city of central China, called COVID-19. It has imposed very serious threats to human beings and in animals as well around the globe
Orangutans and Global Warming
Not only are they threatened to become extinct due to humans taking their homes and illegal killing but they are also in trouble due to global warming.
Orangutans Endangered
The future for orangutans is certainly one that is in trouble. In the past decade the number of them in the wild has dropped by 50%.
Orangutan Conservation Efforts
Both species of orangutans are in danger of becoming extinct which is why you will find so many conservation efforts in place to help them.
Orangutan Hunting
It is believed that orangutan hunting has taken place since the beginning of time.